economy of capitalism will not be one-size-fits-all. The economy that results from pile migration will be as varied in form and function as the pile itself. (see image above)

  It wouldn't do to simply develop a new economic model (capito-anarchism, social-barterist, etc.) within our current society. The new economic model would be burdened with the imprint of the previous (capitalism). Instead, the large-scale thinking of the society must be altered. This is what Pile Migration does. Pile Migration doesn't propose a model for resource allocation, it adjusts or aids in the slow process of transforming a society's thought process.

  The act of pile migration is intended to extract the dormant cells of absurdity within society. The current economy is taken very seriously, its formality will be its undoing. Is a system built upon the loudest advertisements, a system built on pandering to the lowest common denominator, a system that requires seven countries to put a pair of shoes in a shopping mall, is this system any more reasonable than a system that prescribes random re-allocation of piles as a method of contemplation? Capitalism is clearly as absurd as pile migration. Capitalism is just as absurd as any other man-made system of control. Capitalism serves a function, yes. Absurdity can serve many functions. From psychological assurances to physical sustenance, we rely on the obfuscating nature of our cultural constructions to propel us through the duration of our biology.

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