When this unnerving revelation – that capitalism precludes free will – is realized, it is clear that a change may be in order.

  Change is not impossible. Change is a biological inevitability. The outward thrust of black energy at the edge of the universe is proof of this. Remember, the thought of a monarchy-less Europe was just as unfathomable to the average 18th century French provincials as the idea of an alternative to capitalism is to the average American soccer mom of today.


  The universe does not make value judgments. Capitalism is built on value judgments. Capitalism is extremely adept at ordering and ranking the natural world by its worth. Capitalism is especially skilled at carving this natural world into stackable commodities. Capitalism's current trajectory is aimed in a direction that runs counter to the course of the natural world and the best interests of mankind. It cannot be sustained.

  The idea behind pile migration is to escape value. Value is the currency of capitalism. Pile migration favors interpretation over judgment. The next generation economy should try to understand resources, goods, services and people within their own context as opposed to trying to understand them in terms of their relative worth or utility. Capitalism is a system of ratings, rankings and order. Pile Migration, while not an economic system itself, can be an answer to the current irrational configuration of society. In

advocating ambiguity in process and equality in interpretation, pile migration promotes an altogether different set of ideals than capitalism.

  The concept of worth is utterly subjective. The artificial scarcity that capitalism manufactures allows it to set a dollar value upon every last square light-year from the Sun to Jupiter and beyond. The pile eliminates the deficiency of subjective value through the sheer architecture of its construction. To understand all things equally is to erase relative worth. Similarly, every object within a pile possesses an equal responsibility and importance in maintaining the pile.   To make it clear we are not blanketly disparaging capitalism. There are probably a billion people on this planet that are perfectly content under the guidance of capitalism. By no means do we want to deny them the pleasures they derive from the current system. However, the idea of a world with only one option for economic practice, we find unacceptable.

  The universe is an open-ended wave seeping into every direction at once. To limit our experiences on this planet in any manner, especially something as fundamental as resource allocation, seems to us a tremendous waste of potential. The concept of pile migration offers a practical, easy-to-follow alternative to the hegemony of capitalism. Pile Migration is just one of the limitless directions that you can choose to pursue with your life. To those that wish to opt out of the capitalist system we present this simple How To book as a guide in your quest.

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