Chapter Two: ![]() |
  Piles are not good. Nor are they bad, nor are they efficient or slow. They are the absence of value. They are bystanders in this circus of ours. You wouldn't call a pile useful, yet society cannot exist without them. Piles are not commodities, yet everything in a capitalist system theoretically becomes commoditized. This is the ultimate goal of capitalism -- to engrave a relational value on every parsnip of the planet. However, there are still small deposits of resistance throughout the world that have, thus far, fended off the overwhelming pressure of capitalism.   Among the diminishing few heroic hold-outs that remain beyond the tentacles of capitalism are dizziness, hop-scotch, and erosion – a fortunate list for adventurous second-graders. This list continues to shrink though as new technologies and mediums create avenues for the exploitation of the natural world's resources – man-made and divined alike. Capitalism has already claimed many of the natural elements of our world that would seem to be beyond commodity trading. Some of these include the agricultural evolution of cash crops like corn and soy beans, the genetic makeup of living organisms and most tragically, the human ability to make decisions (free will). The pile, if current trajectories remain unaltered, will soon suffer a similar fate
  Piles, like genetics and evolution arose naturally from the gears of universal flux. Our society has seen fit, naively enough, to construct the capitalist system on top these organic systems.
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