the majestic improbability of the universe. A flat surface is the boring seat belt to the imagination that currently gives capitalism its strength. By restricting thought to a visual duality of forward and backward, the plane mimics capitalistic simplicity. The mountain provides the ulterior options of over, around or through, and forces an ounce of creativity to perceive.

  Mountains appear to most people today to be static relics of a stone-cut eon, imperceptibly forgotten. But recall that these “relics” are partly responsible for our capacity for dynamic thought. Luckily, the structure of the mountain comes in a smaller and more portable form – the hill. If one isn't fortunate enough to be in the proximity of a mountain, surely a moderate-sized hill can be found if you want to see an example of a geologic pile. We apologize to the unfortunate residents of Kansas and Kenya* who may not have such luck.

  Of course, eventually we approach the fine line when any uneven surface could potentially be labeled a hill, and thus a pile. To avoid this trap, we prefer to just call the planet a geologic pile. None of this surface we are planted on is truly even, arcing ever so slightly with the pull of the horizon in all directions.

local piles / long range piles

  In distinguishing between local and long range piles, we again mean for our definitions to exist only self-referentially (see the Large-scale / Short-scale section for a more elaborate apology on this topic). It is, however, useful to develop your own sense of local and long range piles, so that you are better equipped to

deal with the demands of each. We will outlay the restrictions of each in this sub-section.

  Local pile movement is outlined as a relocation that is easily walkable from the original pile. Most local pile movement will take place within one registered property. Local pile movement should probably not exceed 200 meters. Wheel barrels and smaller tools are appropriate for local pile movement. Additionally, most spontaneous pile movement will be of the local nature.

  Long range pile movement is, accordingly, any relocation that occurs outside 200 meters of the original pile. Long range pile moving may require an automobile of some sort, either to carry pile matter or carry yourself. Long range pile moving usually requires more fore-planning than local, but it certainly doesn't have to. We encourage grabbing some pile matter and wandering off in a completely indeterminate direction until you find a location that strikes you as in need of a new pile.

homogeneous / non-homogeneous

  Is a bunch of bananas any less a pile than a compost bin? Any more so? What concern is it anyhow? All too often conscious bodies concern themselves with content, as if superficiality matters. Differentiation is discrimination, be it people or piles, or piles of people – for people are piles. Nevertheless, component differences do exist, it is only natural. And one can recognize homogeneous piles from non-homogeneous and still abstain from preference.

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