To switch gears briefly, we acknowledge that there is a great peace to be found in stillness – the absence of perceived movement. And perhaps one day, when all the piles have been moved, we can enjoy that stillness, but as products of a corrupted system, we can't help but deviate from the transcendence of pure presence. We feel obligated to play a role in counter-acting the universal flux that has delivered us such a corrosive and incompatible system of resource allocation.


  Change is a crucial byproduct of movement. Change and movement are synonymous, but are they synonyms? Change

cannot occur without movement. Even a simple “change of heart” involves the movement of neurons in the frontal opinion-lobe. Semantically speaking, all movement does affect change as well. The minutest flick of the thumb registers as a change in spatial coordinates for the atoms within the thumb. Unfortunately, not all movement engenders the large-scale change that influences the manner in which we live our lives. This level of change is only the result of movements.

  This scalability of change has had a drastic impact on how we have come to view the world around us. Culminating in Darwin's theory of gradual evolution, we have been led to believe in linear accumulations of everything. We believe time is linear, we

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