>>>    Scott W. Schwartz








Indifference Theory (2.10.2013)

In fluid dynamics, if external force meets a rotating body at a perpendicular angle, it ejects energy from this body in an asymmetrical distribution. This is known as the Coriolis Effect. Does this law hold for energy that is rotating in non-liquid media? Particles in a tornado? Commodities in a market? Polities at war? Ideas in germination? Is liquidity a requisite for fluidity in the mechanics of this effect? Scientists of the social must question how populations organize their relationships to the energy and resources at their disposal. As such, a number of experiments to gauge the behavior of cultural energy under the influence of various external forces have been designed and presented within.

Fig. 1: The Coriolis Effect. Note that a force impacts a rotating fluid body at a perpendicular angle, ejecting constituent elements of that body asymmetrically.

The below diagram represents the hypothesis that, opposed to perpendicular force, parallel or coterminous force redistributes energy about a body in a symmetrical pattern. This unnamed phenomena is such a banal, fundamental behavior of universal energy that it has not even warranted study or even naming as of yet. To regress, this unnamed force does not symmetrically disperse energy, rather it indiscriminately or indifferently distributes energy. This is the apparent constitution of energy in the universe -- any direction which one points their telescope is not privileged over another. The universe around us is indifferent to directionality.

Fig. 2: Hypothesis. If a force impacts a rotating at a tangential, parallel, or co-terminus angle, it will eject the constituent elements of that body indifferently.

Because of this, it is here proposed this model of energy-force interaction be termed the Indifference Effect or the Contingent Effect -- Contingent Effect because contingency suggests that nothing is necessary. Energy is generally indifferent to how it is distributed unless particular conditions pertain. Indeed, this indifference effect is only visible because of its exceptions, i.e., the Coriolis Effect. Because of its pervasiveness this force of indifference may be conflated with an absence of any force at all, that is, as the default setting of a universe at rest.

However, no causally embedded plane is ever at rest, ever abdicates or abjures incessant novelty. If so inclined one could consider this the force of nothing. Sentient energy is in the unique position of being able to derange its position in the durational plane, i.e., construct anterior or poster narratives (consciously or not) (see: Hypothemics). The derangement of the relationship to space-time perpetuated by H. sapiens through various time-binding practices related to ultra-sensual causation distorts the parallel or coterminous angle of the Indifferent Force that perpetually envelops rotating energies. That is, the force of nothing is no longer obliged to meet sentient energy with indifference, but rather with increasing asymmetry engendered by a tendency toward perpendicularity.

Forces such as gravity and electromagnetism are the pervasive media in which quotidian energy behaves. Sentient energy, that is, biology, is subsumed within these forces just as totally as any other energy. However, conscious behaviors may be the result of temporal parallax -- human behavior is Out of Time, it is acausal. That is, human behavior mutates cause and effect. This leads to distorted angles of susceptibility to force. Human populations have a tendency to position themselves at angles that diminish the force of nothing(ness).

There are many immediate reasons for this but root causes may be related to the fear of uncertainty engendered by the abdication of solipsistic omniscience necessary in the use of language and other forms of external communication. Being governed by laws of Nothing, Indifference and Contingency is antithetical to the narrative causality in which human energy (cultures and societies) rotates. This basic premise is true of all communicative energy to greater or lesser extents along a spectrum. Thus, falsely, human populations are apt to organize and operate according to the premise that they have achieved mastery over the force of Nothing and Indifference, while in fact they have simply mutated the angle at which these forces impact their collective energies. This is tangibly visible in the distribution of energy and resources among human populations. These resources are distributed in highly asymmetrical patterns -- leaving some of the rotational human energy relatively depleted and select bodies of human conglomeration excessively endowed with inequitable access to energy and resources.

Has this been a conscious program on the part of empowered interests? Only insofar as power seeks to perpetuate itself, but this investigation posits that sentient energy has thus far been ignorant of the underlying mechanics which allow for asymmetrical accumulations of energy. It is proposed here that stabilizing the relationship of human energy to the forces of Indifference and Nothing would lend itself to a more equitable distribution of power, resources and energy among the constituent elements of the human rotational body. This is not to say there would emerge a hegemonic equality, but rather an indifferent equality, in which no compartment of humanity would be more inclined to accumulate more (energy) than another compartment. Like pointing the telescope into the sky, no direction should be expected to host more energy than any other.

What does it mean to operationally adjust the human relationship to nothing? That is what this series of experiments is designed to test.