If anyone finds such writing to be contradictory by nature (how can one oppose a system of opposition with opposition?) then so be it. But perhaps being hypocritical should be an admirable trait, a sign of advancement. Perhaps not. This is precisely the idea at hand. Pardon the ambiguity, but you see the idea of not having an exact definition is definition enough.

  Now, back to the comparative theme. If stacks are beliefs, piles represent an escape from beliefs. Realize, that statement (and presumably the majority of the book in hand) is not an actual belief. It is an idea. And as contradictory as it might seem, we must distinguish between the two.

  Where ideas are objects of consideration, beliefs are dictating figures. Better yet, beliefs poison ideas. In themselves ideas are innocent and free and lovable; products of modern man minus the modern world. Yet man does exist with a system: stacks – all or nothings. You believe in god or you do not believe in god (of course label yourself agnostic and you cease to be one). And this is where beliefs corrupt ideas.

  Example: atomic weaponry. If the Manhattan project began as an idea, a conglomerate of a few of the most brilliant minds producing nothing more than a single object. Unprecedented yes, but nothing more than a tool – incapable of performing any function on its own (similar to the slogan: guns don't kill people, people with guns dot dot dot). Yet objects all too rarely exist on their own. Politics, religions, war – these are the belief environments that manipulate ideas for illogical and often inhuman ends. In this case, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  Hydrogen bombs like foreign-aid, microprocessors, and recycling programs were all at one point mere conceptions; un-affecting until entered as an integer into a larger equation involving power, morals, and change. (see the image above for a more clear cut representation). Equation Y minus the sum of all beliefs, produces manifest destiny potential. Ideas, like piles, are most effective as freelance practitioners, that is, unattached experimental instruments. It is only when slave-auctioning stacks commit ideas to beliefs, whether cruel or sane, that all value is lost. Let us maintain some value.

Stacks do not experiment. They just look good.

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